The New World Library
  • The New Ones
  • No More Denial
  • Moriah's Final
  • Moriah's Lament
  • New World Wisdom
  • Warning
  • The New Revelation
  • Begin The Journey
  • The Spirit in The         Water
  • Moriah Is My Name
  • Some Days I Fear
  • Moriah's Musings

    The New World Library is the preparation for joining with those who are not of the earth. The time has come to recognize that the paradigm of humans as the center of the universe is about to be replaced. The new paradigm includes humans as one of the many races with whom We will consciously interact.

    Read -- The New Message of Love

    A Message for Humanity

    Humanity is progressing rapidly through the evolution that is occurring. You are noting much change. There have been changes to your environment, to your economy, to your political stability, to your family structures, and to your health. We will explain.

    The evolution that is occurring is not the same as predicted by some calendar, but is, indeed, occurring. It is occurring at a rate previously unknown, yet it is in some ways predictable through its own predictability. You will note that as certain species are found, other species disappear, that animals kept in captivity become more domesticated-- more human-like, if you will. That the temperature changes are causing great disruption in your ecological systems and your weather systems, and indeed, your emergency systems are having much difficulty responding. This, We are to tell you, will increase.

    It is not that you have been bad and this is God's punishment. It is that this is the natural evolution from being in isolation to joining with others from a distance. This distance is not of your world.

    You are still challenged by humans who do not look like you, talk like you, and have cultural differences. You will be challenged to a much higher degree by joining with those who are not of human origin. Indeed, some are among you. These who are among you are more human-like, and have previously joined with some humans and have created hybrids. These hybrids are among you. Some are advanced spiritually. Some are not. Some have premonitions of what is happening: some are here to lead. However, we would warn you that few are here to lead in a way that is purposeful and positive for Humanity. Most are here to lead, to abscond, if you will, with your freedom! You must be most cautious. You must listen or you will find yourselves as second-class citizens to other, non-human, races. You will then become the carriers, the workers, the slaves, and you will be required to pledge your allegiance to those not of human origin. This is the great disruption that you are approaching, and you must prepare.

    You are worried about your elections. You should be, as there are those who have ulterior motives who seek to obtain power for their own purpose. Beware of others' agendas. Note those who truly serve, and those who promise, yet deliver something quite the opposite.

    Beware of those who promise peace and unity, and wealth and beauty and longevity, and all the things of which you dream, because you are most vulnerable to your dreams. While these aspirations may be positive in many cases, they are also your Achilles heel. You want them, and you believe or want to believe, anyone who promises them to you. This makes you a most vulnerable target.

    Peace and unity do not come easily. They do not come by giving up one's own personal power. They come through empowerment. They come by seeking freedom above all. By seeking freedom, one is seeking to become self-empowered, and thus the aggregate is empowerment. This empowerment leads to a true democracy, yet there are no easy steps.